Setting the Connection String in a Package from a Variable


Paul S. Waters

This snippet shows how to set the connection string of a connection referenced from a package with a package variable. The package variable is set from the parent package.

published 11.20.13

last updated 11.20.13



  • Parent Package Configuration

<Biml xmlns=""> 
        <Connection Name="SourceConn" ConnectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=SourceDb;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;" />
		<Package Name="Load SorceTable" ConstraintMode="Linear" PackageSubpath="Staging_ETL" >	
               <Variable Name="DataSourceConnectionString" DataType="String" InheritFromPackageParentConfigurationString="DataSourceConnectionString"></Variable>
				<Connection ConnectionName="SourceConn">
						<Expression PropertyName="SourceConn.ConnectionString">@[User::DataSourceConnectionString] </Expression>

This snippet shows how to set the connection string of a connection referenced from a package with a package variable. The package variable is set from the parent package. Notice that the connection is declared under the Biml root node, and the connection string is set in the Connections node inside the Package node.

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8:22am 11.09.18

Note that parent package variable configurations are always placed last in package configuration evaluation order, biml does not expose any option to control the order today.