New global directive
Ben Weissman
Brief explanation of the global directive, included in BimlExpress and BimlStudio 2017
published 06.27.17
last updated 06.27.17
Ben Weissman
Brief explanation of the global directive, included in BimlExpress and BimlStudio 2017
published 06.27.17
last updated 06.27.17
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3:33pm 07.07.17
This is cool... however I tried to add my assembly reference in a global file but it doesn't seem to like it. The reason being on different builds my assembly might be at a different path and it's a pain editing the reference path every where. Would be nicer to have it in the global file... the compilers seems to need it in every file however.
<#@ global active="True" location="top" order="0" scope="Global" #> <#@ template language="C#" #> <#@ assembly name="C:\Code\SemanticInsight.RapidBI\lib\SemanticInsight.Weave.dll" #> <#@ import namespace="SemanticInsight.Weave" #>