<# /*============================================================================= Description: This script will find any tables that are missing our standard Metadata columns in the project. =============================================================================== History: 20140418 david.darden Initial Version =============================================================================*/ #> <#@ template language="C#" #> <#@ annotation annotationtype="Description" tag="Summary" text="VERIFY REQUIRED. Validate that all Tables have Metadata columns." #> <# WriteLine("<!--"); WriteLine("VALIDATION: Check tables have all metadata columns"); WriteLine("SUCCESS CRITERIA:\nNo bad table names should be returned.\n"); var isDebug = true; var goodTables = new List<string>(); var badTables = new List<string>(); var columnList = "EDW_INSERT_TS,EDW_MOD_TS,EDW_SOURCE_ID,EDW_CYCLE_KEY"; WriteLine("Tables missing metadata:"); foreach (AstTableNode table in RootNode.SymbolTable[typeof(AstTableNode)]) { var tableName = table.Name; List<string> missingColumns = new List<string>(); foreach (var columnName in columnList.Split(new char[] { ',' })) { if (!table.Columns.Any(item => item.Name == columnName)) { missingColumns.Add(columnName); } } if(missingColumns.Count == 0) { goodTables.Add(tableName); } else { badTables.Add(tableName); var missingColumnsMessage = string.Join(", ", missingColumns); WriteLine(" {0}: {1}", tableName, missingColumnsMessage); //ValidationReporter.Report(table, Severity.Error, "The Table '{0}' is missing the following columns: '{1}'.", tableName, missingColumnsMessage); } } if (badTables.Count == 0) { WriteLine("\nNo bad Tables found! ({0} Tables checked)", badTables.Count + goodTables.Count); } else { WriteLine("\n{0}/{1} Tables were missing metadata!", badTables.Count, badTables.Count + goodTables.Count); } if(isDebug) { WriteLine("\nGood Tables:"); foreach(var goodTableNames in goodTables) { WriteLine(" {0}", goodTableNames); } } WriteLine("-->"); #>
This script looks at all the tables in a project and checks that each one has the proper metadata columns on it. It reports any failures and optionally all the successes. This is a standard validation pattern we use that is run before builds to identify issues when they are cheaper to fix.
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