<Biml xmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd"> <Packages> <Package Name="Control Flow Sample 1" AutoCreateConfigurationsType="None" ConstraintMode="Linear"> <Tasks> <Dataflow Name="Task 1"/> <Dataflow Name="Task 2"/> <Dataflow Name="Task 3"/> </Tasks> </Package> <Package Name="Control Flow Sample 2" AutoCreateConfigurationsType="None" ConstraintMode="Parallel"> <Tasks> <Dataflow Name="Me First"/> <Dataflow Name="Me Next (Success)"> <PrecedenceConstraints> <Inputs> <Input OutputPathName="Me First.Output"/> </Inputs> </PrecedenceConstraints> </Dataflow> <Dataflow Name="I'm Last (Always)"> <PrecedenceConstraints LogicalType="Or"> <Inputs> <Input OutputPathName="Me First.Output" EvaluationValue="Failure"/> <Input OutputPathName="Me Next (Success).Output" EvaluationValue="Completion"/> </Inputs> </PrecedenceConstraints> </Dataflow> </Tasks> </Package> <Package Name="Control Flow Sample 3" AutoCreateConfigurationsType="None" ConstraintMode="Parallel"> <Variables> <Variable Name="Continue" DataType="Int32">0</Variable> </Variables> <Tasks> <Dataflow Name="Task 1"/> <Dataflow Name="Task 2"> <PrecedenceConstraints> <Inputs> <Input OutputPathName="Task 1.Output" EvaluationOperation="Expression" Expression="@Continue==1"/> </Inputs> </PrecedenceConstraints> </Dataflow> </Tasks> </Package> </Packages> </Biml>
This snippet shows some example uses of Precedence Constraints in SSIS control flow.
3:54pm 05.01.15
In Biml, is it possible to set these precedence constraints properties: - Description - ShowAnnotation (AsNeeded, ConstraintDescription, ConstraintName, ConstraintOptions, Never) ?
12:07pm 07.10.17
I came here to ask precisely the question that Dream asked 2 years ago, below (changing the value of the ShowAnnotation property of the constraint).
Is this somehow possible in BIML?
12:44pm 09.05.17
You can set the PathAnnotation property of a precedence constraint to ConstraintDescription but I haven't yet found out how to set the description value...
1:03pm 09.05.17
I tried setting the description with the Annotations tag as described here: http://www.bimlscript.com/Snippet/Details/89
But it did not work.
Another possibility would be to set the PathAnnotation value to ConstraintName but you can't set the name of the constraint in BIML either...