Extract a Stored Procedure resultset in CSV or Excel



This Biml script will generate a SSIS package that will extract data from a stored procedure and will persist them in a CSV file or an EXCEL file. SQL Server 2008 (R2) and SQL Server 2012 are supported.

published 07.19.13

last updated 07.21.13



  • ace
  • csv
  • excel
  • FlatFile
  • jet

<#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
/* ========================================================================= */
/* ===                    GENERATE EXTRACTOR PACKAGE                     === */
/* ========================================================================= */
/*      Version:        1                                                    */
/*      Release Date:   2013-07-19                                           */
/*      Authors:        Luca Zavarella & Mauro Regoli (SolidQ.com)           */
/*      License:        Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0          */
/*                      Italy License                                        */
/*         (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/it/deed.en)        */
/* ===-------------------------------------------------------------------=== */
/* ===                            DESCRIPTION                            === */
/* ===-------------------------------------------------------------------=== */
/*      This Biml script will generate a SSIS package that will extract      */
/*      data from a stored procedure and will persist them in CSV or         */
/*      EXCEL.                                                               */
/*      SQL Server 2008 (R2) and SQL Server 2012 are supported.              */
/* ===-------------------------------------------------------------------=== */
/* ===                            LIMITATIONS                            === */
/* ===-------------------------------------------------------------------=== */
/*     1. If SQL Server 2012 or greater is NOT used, every stored            */
/*        procedure date parameter MUST be DATETIME due to a SSIS OLEDB      */
/*        Command bug (*);                                                   */
/*     2. DECIMAL and NUMERIC data types precision cannot exceed 28;         */
/*     3. SMALLMONEY and SMALLDATETIME data types are not supported;         */
/*     4. Temporary tables in stored procedures cause the failure of the     */ 
/*        Biml script because it uses FMTONLY ON in order to retrieve        */
/*        the stored procedure schema infos; in that case you can            */
/*        compile the Biml script:                                           */
/*           a. using a dummy stored procedure that has just a SELECT        */
/*              that returns a dummy resultset with the same schema of       */
/*              the original one;                                            */
/*           b. using Table Variables instead of temporary tables if you     */
/*              don't have performance problems                              */
/*     5. Excel files generated with the ACE provider have incorrect column  */
/*        data types due to a SSIS bug (**). All works fine using the        */
/*        Jet one                                                            */
/* ========================================================================= */
// (*)  http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/628743/ssis-oledb-command-date-datatype-in-stored-procedure-sqlcommand-yields-operand-error
// (**) https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/477970/excel-data-types-from-ssis
/* ======================================================================= */
/* ===                         INPUT PARAMETERS                        === */
/* ======================================================================= */
// Stored procedure's SQL Server server name/instance and database name
string serverName = @"localhost\denali";
string databaseName = "AdventureWorks2012";
// OLE DB Provider used by the OLEDB Source Component in order to execute the Stored Procedure
string oledbProvider = "SQLNCLI10.1";
// Stored Procedure details:
//   - storedProcedureSchema:       schema to which the Stored Procedure belongs;
//   - storedProcedureName:         Stored Procedure name (eg. "stp_attestati_rischio");
//   - storedProcedurePrefix:       Stored Procedure name's prefix, if present (eg. "stp_");
//   - storedProcedureParameters:   comma separated list of parameters in the order expected by the Stored Procedure;
//                                  the token "GETDATE()" can be used if you want the package will replace it with the
//                                  date it'll be executed (useful if you want to schedule it in a job); an example of
//                                  provided parameters is: "GETDATE(), '00760', NULL, 3";
string storedProcedureSchema =      "dbo"; 
string storedProcedureName =        "uspGetWhereUsedProductID";
string storedProcedurePrefix =      "usp";
string storedProcedureParameters =  "819, GETDATE()";
// SSIS Package details:
//   - packagePrefix:                   the package name's prefix (the full name will be composed
//                                      by the package name's prefix and the Stored Procedure
//                                      name without its prefix;
//   - packageProtectionLevel:          value of the package ProtectionLevel
//   - packageConnectionManagerName:    name of the package's Connection Manager that points to
//                                      the Stored Procedure database;
string packagePrefix =                  "test_";
string packageProtectionLevel =         "EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey";
string packageConnectionManagerName =   "ADW";
// Output file details:
//   - destinationFileType:     output file format type (can be CSV or EXCEL)
//   - fileName:                output file name (without extension)
//   - destinationFolder:       output file destination folder
string destinationFileType =    "CSV";  
string fileName =               "test_GetWhereUsedProductID";
string destinationFolder =      @"C:\Users\LZavarella\Desktop";
// CSV file details (used if destinationFileType = "CSV"):
//   - columnDelimiter:     delimiter used to separate file columns
//   - rowDelimiter:        delimiter used to separate file rows
string columnDelimiter =    "Semicolon";
string rowDelimiter =       "CRLF";
// Excel file details (used if destinationFileType = "EXCEL")
//   - excelProvider:           provider to use in order to create the Excel file;
//                              the Jet one si used for Excel 97-2003; the ACE one for Excel 2007
//   - excelExtendedProperties: extended properties to be used in the Excel connection string
string excelProvider =              "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0";      // e.g. for ACE: "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
string excelExtendedProperties =    "Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=0";     // e.g. for ACE: "Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;"
/* ======================================================================= */
/* ======================================================================= */
string filePath = "";
string fileExtension = "";
int excelStringFormat = -1;
string excelDecimalFormat = "";
int excelDecimalPrecision = -1;
int excelDecimalScale = -1;
string excelFieldTerminator = ",";
string excelTableTerminator = ")";
string excelTempTerminator = "";
string excelColumnType = "";
string sourceConnectionString = "";
string connStrOLEDB = String.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};Provider={2};Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;", serverName, databaseName, oledbProvider);
string connStr = String.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};Integrated Security=SSPI;", serverName, databaseName);
if (destinationFileType == "CSV")
    fileExtension = ".csv";
    filePath = destinationFolder + fileName + fileExtension;
else if (destinationFileType == "EXCEL")
    fileExtension = excelProvider.ToUpper().Contains("JET") ? ".xls" : ".xlsx";
    filePath = destinationFolder + fileName + fileExtension;
    sourceConnectionString = String.Format("Provider={0};Data Source=\"{1}\";Extended Properties=\"{2}\"",
                                           excelProvider, filePath, excelExtendedProperties);
string packageName = packagePrefix + (storedProcedurePrefix == "" ? storedProcedureName : storedProcedureName.Replace(storedProcedurePrefix, ""));
string executeStatement = storedProcedureSchema + "." + storedProcedurePrefix +
                             (storedProcedurePrefix == "" ? storedProcedureName : storedProcedureName.Replace(storedProcedurePrefix, "")) +
                             " " + storedProcedureParameters.Replace("GETDATE()", "'20130101'");
string storedProcedure = storedProcedureSchema + "." + storedProcedurePrefix +
                         (storedProcedurePrefix == "" ? storedProcedureName : storedProcedureName.Replace(storedProcedurePrefix, ""));
string storedProcedureMetadataQuery = "SET FMTONLY ON; EXEC " + executeStatement + "; SET FMTONLY OFF;";
string queryGetMajorVersion = "DECLARE @version nvarchar(128) = CAST(serverproperty('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar); " +
                              "DECLARE @ver INT; " +
                              "SET @ver = CAST(SUBSTRING(@version, 1, CHARINDEX('.', @version) - 1) AS INT); " +
                              "SELECT major_version = @ver;";
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr))
    SqlCommand cmdMajorVer = new SqlCommand(queryGetMajorVersion, sqlConnection);
    SqlCommand cmdMetadata = new SqlCommand(storedProcedureMetadataQuery, sqlConnection);
    int major_version = (int)cmdMajorVer.ExecuteScalar();
    SqlDataReader reader = cmdMetadata.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly);
    DataTable storedProcedureTable = reader.GetSchemaTable();
<Biml xmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd">
<# if (destinationFileType == "CSV") { #>
        <FlatFileFormat Name="CSVFlatFile" RowDelimiter="CRLF" HeaderRowDelimiter="CRLF" ColumnNamesInFirstDataRow="true" IsUnicode="1">
                <!--The RowDelimiter SSIS takes into account is the one of the last column.-->
                <#   string tempDelimiter = "";
                    foreach (DataRow column in storedProcedureTable.Rows) {
                        if (((int)column["ColumnOrdinal"] + 1) < storedProcedureTable.Rows.Count)
                            tempDelimiter = columnDelimiter;
                            tempDelimiter = rowDelimiter;
                    <Column Name="<#=column["ColumnName"].ToString()#>" DataType="String" Length="256" Delimiter="<#=tempDelimiter#>" />
                <# } #>
<# } #>
        <OleDbConnection Name="<#=packageConnectionManagerName#>" ConnectionString="<#=connStrOLEDB#>"/>
<# if (destinationFileType == "CSV") { #>
        <FlatFileConnection Name="CSV" FilePath="<#=filePath#>" FileFormat="CSVFlatFile">
                <Expression PropertyName="ConnectionString">@[User::param_DestinationFolder] + @[User::param_FileName] + "<#=fileExtension#>"</Expression>
<# } #>
<#  if (destinationFileType == "EXCEL") { #>
        <FileConnection Name ="<#=filePath #>" FilePath="<#=filePath#>" DelayValidation="true"/>
        <ExcelConnection DelayValidation="true" Name="EXCEL" ConnectionString="<#=sourceConnectionString.Replace("\"", "&quot;")#>">
                <Expression PropertyName="ExcelFilePath">@[User::param_DestinationFolder] + @[User::param_FileName] + "<#=fileExtension#>"</Expression>   
<# } #>
        <Package Name="<#=packageName#>" ConstraintMode="Linear" DelayValidation ="true" ProtectionLevel="<#=packageProtectionLevel#>">
                <Variable Name="param_StoredProcedureParameters" DataType="String" EvaluateAsExpression="1"><#=storedProcedureParameters#></Variable>
                <Variable Name="param_DestinationFolder" DataType="String"><#=destinationFolder#></Variable>
                <Variable Name="param_FileName" DataType="String" EvaluateAsExpression="1"><#=fileName#></Variable>
                <Variable Name="ExecuteStatement" DataType="String" EvaluateAsExpression="1">EXEC <#=executeStatement#></Variable>
                <Connection ConnectionName="<#=packageConnectionManagerName#>"></Connection>
<# if (destinationFileType == "EXCEL") { #>
                <FileSystem Name="Delete Excel File" Operation="DeleteFile">
                    <FileInput ConnectionName="<#=filePath #>"/>
<# } #>
                <Script Name="Add Data and Time to the File Name">
                        <ScriptTaskProject Name="Add Data and Time to the File Name and Parameters">
                                <AssemblyReference AssemblyPath="Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll" />
                                <AssemblyReference AssemblyPath="Microsoft.SqlServer.ScriptTask.dll" />
                                <AssemblyReference AssemblyPath="System.dll" />
<# if (major_version < 11) { #>
                                <AssemblyReference AssemblyPath="System.AddIn.dll" />
<# } #>
                                <AssemblyReference AssemblyPath="System.Data.dll" />
                                <AssemblyReference AssemblyPath="System.Windows.Forms.dll" />
                                <AssemblyReference AssemblyPath="System.Xml.dll" />
                                <Variable VariableName="param_FileName" DataType="String"/>
                                <Variable VariableName="param_StoredProcedureParameters" DataType="String"/>
                                <Variable VariableName="param_DestinationFolder" DataType="String"/>
                                <Variable VariableName="ExecuteStatement" DataType="String"/>
                                <File Path="ScriptMain.cs">
using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using System.Windows.Forms;
<# if (major_version < 11) { #>
[System.AddIn.AddIn("ScriptMain", Version = "1.0", Publisher = "", Description = "")]
<# } else { #>
<# } #>
public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase
    enum ScriptResults
        Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success,
        Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure
    public void Main()
        bool fireAgain = true;
        string fileName = Dts.Variables["User::param_FileName"].Value.ToString();
        string stpParam = Dts.Variables["User::param_StoredProcedureParameters"].Value.ToString();
        string destinationFolder = Dts.Variables["User::param_DestinationFolder"].Value.ToString();
        // Add date and time to the file name
        <#if (destinationFileType == "CSV") {#>
Dts.Variables["User::param_FileName"].Value = fileName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");
        <#} else if (destinationFileType == "EXCEL") {#>
Dts.Variables["User::param_FileName"].Value = fileName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");
        // Replace the GETDATE() token with the current datetime
        string currentDate = "'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.fff") + "'";
        Dts.Variables["User::param_DestinationFolder"].Value = destinationFolder.EndsWith("\\") ? destinationFolder : destinationFolder + "\\";
        Dts.Variables["User::param_StoredProcedureParameters"].Value = stpParam.Replace("GETDATE()", currentDate);
        Dts.Variables["User::ExecuteStatement"].Value = String.Format("EXEC <#=storedProcedure#> {0}", stpParam.Replace("GETDATE()", currentDate));
        Dts.Events.FireInformation(0, string.Empty, string.Format("Calling procedure: [{0}]", Dts.Variables["User::ExecuteStatement"].Value), string.Empty, 0, ref fireAgain);
        Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
<# if (destinationFileType == "EXCEL") { #>
                <ExecuteSQL Name="Create Excel Sheet" FailPackageOnFailure="true" ConnectionName="EXCEL">
                    <DirectInput>CREATE TABLE [Query] (
                    <# foreach (DataRow column in storedProcedureTable.Rows)
                            if (((int)column["ColumnOrdinal"] + 1) < storedProcedureTable.Rows.Count)
                                excelTempTerminator = excelFieldTerminator;
                                excelTempTerminator = excelTableTerminator;
                            excelStringFormat = (int)column["ColumnSize"];
                            excelDecimalFormat = String.Format("{0},{1}", column["NumericPrecision"], column["NumericScale"]);
                            if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "bigint")
                                excelColumnType = "decimal(18,0)";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "bit")
                                excelColumnType = "bit";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "char")
                                if (excelStringFormat <= 255)
                                    excelColumnType = "char(" + excelStringFormat + ")";
                                    excelColumnType = "longtext";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "datetime"
                                     || column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "date")
                                excelColumnType = "datetime";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "decimal"
                                     || column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "numeric")
                                if (excelDecimalPrecision <= 28)
                                    excelColumnType = "decimal(" + excelDecimalFormat + ")";
                                    excelColumnType = "decimal(28,4)";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "float")
                                excelColumnType = "float";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "int")
                                excelColumnType = "int";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "money")
                                excelColumnType = "currency";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "nchar")
                                if (excelStringFormat <= 255)
                                    excelColumnType = "nchar(" + excelStringFormat + ")";
                                    excelColumnType = "longtext";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "ntext")
                                excelColumnType = "longtext";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "nvarchar")
                                if (excelStringFormat <= 255)
                                    excelColumnType = "varchar(" + excelStringFormat + ")";
                                    excelColumnType = "longtext";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "real")
                                excelColumnType = "real";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "smallint")
                                excelColumnType = "smallint";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "text")
                                excelColumnType = "longtext";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "tinyint")
                                excelColumnType = "byte";
                            else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "varchar")
                                if (excelStringFormat <= 255)
                                    excelColumnType = "varchar(" + excelStringFormat + ")";
                                    excelColumnType = "longtext";
[<#=column["ColumnName"].ToString()#>] <#=excelColumnType#><#=excelTempTerminator#>
                    <# } //...foreach #>
<# } //...if (destinationFileType == "EXCEL")#>
                <Dataflow DelayValidation="true" Name="Load Destination File">
                        <OleDbSource Name="<#=storedProcedureName#>" ConnectionName="<#=packageConnectionManagerName#>" ValidateExternalMetadata="false">
                            <VariableInput VariableName="User.ExecuteStatement"/>
<# if (destinationFileType == "CSV") { #>                  
                        <FlatFileDestination Name="CSV" ConnectionName="CSV"/>
<# } #>
<# if (destinationFileType == "EXCEL") {
    bool dataConversionNeeded = false;
    foreach (DataRow column in storedProcedureTable.Rows) {
        if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "char" || column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "varchar" || column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "text") {
            dataConversionNeeded = true;
    if (dataConversionNeeded) { #>
                        <DataConversion Name="Data Conversion" ValidateExternalMetadata="false">
        <# foreach (DataRow column in storedProcedureTable.Rows) {
            excelStringFormat = (int)column["ColumnSize"];
            excelDecimalFormat = String.Format("{0},{1}", column["NumericPrecision"], column["NumericScale"]);
            if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "char" || column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "varchar") { #>
                                <Column SourceColumn="<#=column["ColumnName"].ToString()#>" DataType="String" Length="<#=excelStringFormat#>"/>
            <# } else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "text") { #>
                                <Column SourceColumn="<#=column["ColumnName"].ToString()#>" DataType="String" Length="4000"/>
            <# } #>
        <# } //...foreach #>
    <# } //... if dataConversionNeeded
// In order to compile the current Biml script, the next code will create the Excel file
string excelSheetMetadata = "CREATE TABLE [Query] (";
foreach (DataRow column in storedProcedureTable.Rows)
    if (((int)column["ColumnOrdinal"] + 1) < storedProcedureTable.Rows.Count)
        excelTempTerminator = excelFieldTerminator;
        excelTempTerminator = excelTableTerminator;
    excelStringFormat = (int)column["ColumnSize"];
    excelDecimalFormat = String.Format("{0},{1}", column["NumericPrecision"], column["NumericScale"]);
    if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "bigint")
        excelColumnType = "decimal(18,0)";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "bit")
        excelColumnType = "bit";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "char")
        if (excelStringFormat <= 255)
            excelColumnType = "char(" + excelStringFormat + ")";
            excelColumnType = "longtext";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "datetime"
             || column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "date")
        excelColumnType = "datetime";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "decimal"
             || column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "numeric")
        if (excelDecimalPrecision <= 28)
            excelColumnType = "decimal(" + excelDecimalFormat + ")";
            excelColumnType = "decimal(28,4)";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "float")
        excelColumnType = "float";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "int")
        excelColumnType = "int";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "money")
        excelColumnType = "currency";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "nchar")
        if (excelStringFormat <= 255)
            excelColumnType = "nchar(" + excelStringFormat + ")";
            excelColumnType = "longtext";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "ntext")
        excelColumnType = "longtext";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "nvarchar")
        if (excelStringFormat <= 255)
            excelColumnType = "varchar(" + excelStringFormat + ")";
            excelColumnType = "longtext";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "real")
        excelColumnType = "real";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "smallint")
        excelColumnType = "smallint";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "text")
        excelColumnType = "longtext";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "tinyint")
        excelColumnType = "byte";
    else if (column["DataTypeName"].ToString() == "varchar")
        if (excelStringFormat <= 255)
            excelColumnType = "varchar(" + excelStringFormat + ")";
            excelColumnType = "longtext";
    excelSheetMetadata += String.Format("[{0}] {1}{2}", column["ColumnName"].ToString(), excelColumnType, excelTempTerminator); 
DataTable excelSheet = ExternalDataAccess.GetDataTable(sourceConnectionString, excelSheetMetadata);
                        <ExcelDestination Name="EXCEL" ConnectionName="EXCEL" UseFastLoadIfAvailable="false" MaximumInsertCommitSize="2147483647" ValidateExternalMetadata="false">
                            <ErrorHandling ErrorRowDisposition="IgnoreFailure" TruncationRowDisposition="IgnoreFailure">
                                    <Input ErrorRowDisposition="FailComponent" TruncationRowDisposition="IgnoreFailure" InputName="Destination Input" />
                            <ExternalTableOutput Table="[Query]"/>
                                <# foreach (DataRow column in storedProcedureTable.Rows) { #>
                                        <Column SourceColumn="<#=column["ColumnName"].ToString()#>" TargetColumn="<#=column["ColumnName"].ToString()#>"/>
                                <# } #>
            } //...if (destinationFileType == "EXCEL")
} //...using  #>
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