In Part 1 we demonstrated using Biml to auto generate a data vault model using only the source system metadata and a predefined pattern. We appreciate that data vault and data warehousing is not as simple as pointing a script at a source system clicking a button.
During this series we will demonstrate the flexibility of using Biml as a framework engine enabling you the architect to customize the patterns to suit your long-term needs. In this webinar we have extended the auto generate script to accommodate handling business key and splitting satellites by fast changing attributes. We also show how you could define metadata for flat files and manually override any of the attributes.
Future Parts:
- Create ETL pattern for STG and HSTG using Metadata. Appling our naming conventions.
- Populating Hubs using Biml. DV 2.0
- Populating Satellites using Biml. DV 2.0
- Populating Links using Biml. DV 2.0
- Populating Reference Tables using Biml.
- Translate Raw DV into Business DV using Biml
- Generate a Star Schema from DW using Biml
- Generate OLAP Cube from Star Schema using Biml
- Generate Tabular Cube from Star Schema using Biml
Data Vault using Biml - Part2 video.
Please note that you will require Mist 4.0 if you would like to test the code. Mist 4.0 Trial
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